The Americans #915
James M. Beaver
Mountain Man, 1840
The lazy hawk wheeling in the summer sky caught James' eye.
With the long ride down the treacherous mountain passes
behind him, he had time and leisure to appreciate the arc
of the hawk's flight, and the gentle warmth of the Rockies
foothills as Spring brought new green life out everywhere.
The thick roll of beaver skins across his saddle meant a
fine time at "rendezvous," that free wheeling open
market where hides became money, and money
became powder, lead, flour, beans ... and a
little whiskey, until finally, sated with his brief
encounter with civilization, James headed for the
solitude and majesty of the high country, a free trapper
... a mountain man.
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This kit is not yet scheduled for new production.
Painted by Guy Herrick |