The Americans #949
John M. Pietras
Rogers Ranger, 1758
IThe French and Indian War, (c. 1754-1763) unhered
in a newly organized group of combatants, the rangers,
formed from hardy New England men to fight the
French and their Indian allies. The most famous
group, Rogers' Rangers, was headed by Robert Rogers.
Although subject to military discipline and articles
of war, the organization excelled in irregular
guerilla-type warfare and quickly developed into an
effective fighting force to be reckoned with by the French.
Being woodlands fighters, the Rangers wore colors
which blended with the surrounding terrain, and in 1758
a short green uniform style coat was issued to Rogers' troops,
who for the most part, supplied their own
personal weapons. Our figure depicts a Ranger trooper
as he would have looked wearing the uniform coat,
favored highland bonnet, and items of Indian wear and
gear, leggings, moccasins, and shooting bag and hatchet.
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